Monday, September 13, 2010

How do i make the addition of resolutions to my supported resolution roll? - nvidia?

i know my computer can support 1024x768 as i can use it, but it doesent show within the list of supported resolutions, how can i variety it so when i hide unsupported resolutions from the nvidia CP it still shows 1024x768.



The problem is not the N-Vidia chipset - since you can see the resolution programmed if you unhide unsupported resolutions.

The problem is in the monitor. I am guessing that the plug and play information contained by the monitor is missing for that resolution for some reason. The system is only showing what it has be told by the monitor it is OK to show.

Either unhide unsupported modes, and be careful not to pick one out of the monitor/s capability, or get a exotic monitor.

You could try changing the monitor drivers and use the INF record that shipped with it to some extent than the plug-n-pray driver.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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