I hold a deep 5 score on my HP table top LCD monitor. It has several shades of blue bleeding around the scrape. What can I do to fix it?
You cannot repair it the only solution is to attain a replacement.
That sucks...sorry...you need a different moniter.
Buy a new one.
Nothing...lug it to a Best Buy or other computer repair center and they have to replace the entire blind.
buy a fresh one
Get a new LCD monitor. Who know you might be able to dispatch it back to the company to be fixed. I do know that within most or all LCD screen theres substance called Mercury thats incurable. I do not know exactly how much or were it is located but I did hear that it can ooze out of the monitor somehow. So I would look more into that if I were you and possibly get rid of the monitor ASAP.
Replace the LCD. Sorry! LCDs are pretty cheap in a minute and are alot better picture wise. A 17 inch would run you more or less 150 - 190 bucks. Go to mwave.com, tigerdirect.com, or newegg.com and look for LCDs.
A band aid won't fix that bleeding.
Either dispose of your monitor properly (call Compusa or Best Buy or someone to find out how), and go and get a new one...or enjoy your old one repaired.
adjectives the liquid crystal is leak out. that means that eventually adjectives the characters and figures will leach out into your room and into reality! very soon all that`s rig or fiction in the movies will come true, when it does you will want to be displaying your fav celeb
Like everyone else said time for a brand new monitor :(
Once they start bleeding, there's no going back. The bonus is, that after awhile they start looking really interesting and construct great paper weights. :)
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