Try playing around with the Display option:
I assume when you go to the Display option, you have 2 screen and a bunch of options (resolution, bit, etc) on the bottom.
Click on the first peak and click on Identify button to make sure that it shows 1. Do indistinguishable with the second peak.
Click on the first screen and translate the color to the max that you have - THEN correction the resolution to what you prefer.
Click on Advanced button -> Monitor tab, and try changing the animate rate frequencies - 60 hz, 75 hz, 100 hz, etc.
To change the size of your icon and fonts, go to Display Properties/Appearance, select Theme or select Item of your choice and set its properties.
When you do adjectives this, it should only exchange the settings on the first screen, the one you have selected adjectives this time. To change the settings for your other screen's perspective, etc., first click on the second screen when you step to Display Properties, then do matching things you did for the first screen and it should solely affect the second screen since you enjoy it selected. Also, try checking/unchecking the Extend My Windows Desktop onto This Monitor box on the second screen's option.
let me know how it go, and/or provide further details about your problem.
The answers post by the user, for information with the sole purpose, does not guarantee the right.
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