Hiya Victor,
First of adjectives, the monitor could not be responsible for the desktop computer giving you fatal errors. Unless you installed some software explicitly corrupted or incompatible, this should not be happening. I work beside Dell and you are describing one of their customized deals. If you a moment ago purchased it I would call and bring back it fixed under warranty even if I know how to fix the problem. Under no circumstances should a new Dell desktop enjoy any fatal errors.
But if you plan on anyone stubborn then check these things:
1. Remove and replace the graphics adapter making sure it is support.
2. Inspect the DVI cable pins and ports for damage.
3. Inspect the adapter pins and ports for bring down.
4.**Call Dell and tell them you didn't charge Vista and why do you have it.
5. Try downloading & installing different drivers.
6. Try connecting your frail monitor or borrow one to test near.
I would stop there, you don't want to blankness whatever warranty you do own. Again, I recommend strongly that you only try minimum impact troubleshooting; CALL DELL!
PS. Number 4 is a Joke, i simply feel Vista is half-baked and requests more work.
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