Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I enjoy a problem near a samsun monitor?

Only showing colors RGB, here is no display but signals are coming please any suggest me, what i do?


Hiya AjashDeep,

The RGB on the monitor is telling us that nearby is no VGA signal getting to the monitor. If you are SURE the computer is working and sending a signal to the monitor then you obligation to find out where the problem is. You can do some simple and express testing to find out if the problem is computer related or monitor related.

1. Borrow a monitor and cable from a friend for a 5 minute audition.

2. Remove the cable to your monitor from the computer and attach the cable to the borrowed monitor, power it on.

3. Turn on your computer; if you get a picture on the borrowed monitor afterwards you have a problem beside your monitor or the cabling. If you do not capture a picture with the borrowed monitor after you have a problem next to your computer's display components, device drivers or software.

** If the borrowed monitor works, you should check for obvious errors near your monitor.

1. Examine the cable for breaks in the wires.

2. Examine the pins inside the fragment that plugs into your computer, you are looking for bent or broken pins, pins that are touching each other and missing pins.

3. Take you monitor and cable to a friend's computer and plug it surrounded by. If it works on the other computer then you manifestly have a problem to be exact computer related.

Finally, if the borrowed monitor works on your computer and your monitor does not work on your friends computer then it is time to grasp another monitor.

please change your VGA Cable or relocate your resolution to boot your system in not dangerous mode.


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