Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I turned on my computer as usual to check my emails and my computer monitor is lately showing a black eyeshade.?

I turned on my computer as usual to check my emails and my computer monitor is in recent times showing a black screen. I thought my monitor have went out so I go bought another monitor hooked it up and I'm getting the same point a black screen. Can someone report to me possibly what this issue is before I hold someone come out and fix it.


Need more detail... When you turn computer on, do you get start up nouns and all? if so afterwards check your graphic card since you replaced monitor. that could be problem since computer loads up completely.
Is the monitor plug contained by where it's supposed to be?

If so consequently you need a modern monitor
If a new monitor still shows a black blind, maybe it's your video adapter inside the computer go bad. Buy another video adapter, sympathetic the unit and install it contained by an empty PCI or PCI-Express slot, close the cover and start the component. Some configuration may be required.
First off, check your plug for the monitor. Additionally is nearby a blinking underscore dash at the top left side of the monitor. next make sure that adjectives external devices are either plugged contained by like they should be. afterwards check to make sure near is nothing within your disk drive and CD drive, some dvds over-ride the computers automatic start up procedures. if its not these things after it might be your video card, and if you dont have a video card than its your mother board's on-board video card.

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