Hiya Pauline,
If it is one profile then you most plausible have to unzip it to a folder or basically click on the file when you stipulation to install it. If it is already in a folder next to multiple files and you tried to properly install it then it may hold become corrupted during the download; download and try again.
Here is the best way I close to to reinstall display drivers.
1. Open Control Panel then Device Manager.
2. Open Display Devices (or similar) and double click your unichrome.
3. In the Properties applet that pops up, click on the Driver tab on the top.
4. Click the Uninstall button and agree to any messages to allow you to uninstall the driver.
5. Reboot when prompted and when Windows boots up it should report to you NEW DEVICE FOUND
6. When it prompts you for a driver, browse to the folder that has the files surrounded by it OR click cancel and after click on the single file that will ask you if you want to install the unichrome driver.
&. Reboot and everything should be working again assuming it is the correct driver for the device and it is not corrupted.
The answers post by the user, for information one and only, does not guarantee the right.
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