Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do I bring my Toshiba Portege m200 use my tv as a minor monitor?

I enjoy a nvidia geforce fx 5200 graphics card. I bought a simple adapter that connects to the vga port and makes it a composite port for tv. When I connect it to my tv all I see is a distorted picture short color. I have tried to adjust the nvidia display controls as in good health as the xp controls but nothing seem to work. The tv and the adapter work fine, the tablet's settings are what I can't get right. Thanks.


Without knowing everything you've tried, it's easier said than done to say. But hold on to in mind that a standard TV's resolution is much lower than an LCD or CRT for a computer. Therefore, your video card will attempt to adjust itself to a lower resolution when detecting a TV (if this is what's happening).

If you are trying to expand your desktop to a standard TV, that's not going to work capably. Text will be fuzzy on the TV for sure, and Windows won't be able to attain the resolution low enough. Connecting a TV to a computer is something like only polite for viewing video.

Newer LCD or Plasma TV's usually come with a VGA port input that you can use. Maybe it's time for an upgrade!

The answers post by the user, for information singular, does not guarantee the right.

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