Flat rete in the contigious 48 states usually whip 3 to 4 days. However when purchasing from ebay it all depends on when the trader ships. In most cases that i've seen the hawker usually ships within 7 to 10 buisiness days so if you digit he/she waits the full 10 buisiness days explicitly 2 weeks plus shipping time of 3 to 4 days. so your total expected wait time could be as large as 2 and a half weeks.
However even though auctions post that they will ship beside in 7 - 10 most of them will ship as soon as they recieve your return or the next business afternoon.
Over all your loaf time could range form 4-5 to 13 -14 buisness days AFTER the street trader recieves your payment.
Read giving and shipping descriptions real close as the wholesaler usually tells you when he/ she ships.
Good luck hope this help
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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